There is hardly a mystery more prominent in the United States than the tale of the pilot Amelia Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan who disappeared in 1937.  Many are content to believe that she was a lousy pilot and simply crashed somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, end of story.  Others are sure that Amelia was captured by the Japanese and either was executed on Saipan along with Fred Noonan or she was taken to China and interred in a Japanese POW camp. Some take the theory one step farther and say Amelia returned to the United States in 1946 as Irene Craigmile who married an ex-MI5 British agent named Guy Bolem.  Ric Gillespie thinks she crashed on Gardiner Island and regularly leads searches to the island.

At first I dismissed the theory of Amelia being Irene Craigmile Bolam, but there are many questions that would be answered if one considers that Amelia was recruited by President Roosevelt to spy on the Japanese and was thus assisted in her return to the States.  It isn’t so farfetched since thanks to President Hoover spying was illegal in 1937  as “gentlemen do not open other gentlemen’s mail”.  FDR knew that the Japanese were up to something on the Marshall Islands and had no discrete way to be sure they were not fortifying the islands (they were of course). Amelia was also personal friends with the First Lady, Eleanor.

The story of Amelia Earhart has been told many times, so I will not repeat every detail here, but there are some highlights that need to be looked at closer.  The first item to be noted is that the Earhart file is under WWII files at the National Archives, which is interesting since the U.S. did not enter the war until 1941 when Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese.  Two high-ranking military officers visited her in California before she left on her around the world flight. This was no easy task in 1937 as transportation was lacking and required changing planes, trains and taxis several times. One did not just hop a plane from one coast to the other,  so there was some pressing issue for the government to meet with a civilian.  During the meeting with the officers, Amelia’s husband and Noonan were asked to leave the room.

After the meeting Earhart changed flight plans and reversed her original route, instead taking one that sent her east over Africa where maintenance stops were unprepared and caused long delays.  Amelia also turned down help from Pan Am which offered to track her with their state of the art high frequency technology. This would make no sense unless one considers the alleged mission she did for the government and she did not want to be found. Earhart was also quite rude in turning the help down.

Earhart then was swing around and approach tiny Howland Island from the west stating that she was in a cloud bank and could not see.  Howland was a rest and refueling stop and the last leg to California. They would come around and approach from the east, but instead of actually landing on Howland (which was a difficult feat anyway since it was a like finding a blue marble in a swimming pool) Earhart would turn north where she would run into “bad weather”. Rather than spy on the Japanese personally, she would “get lost” and fly instead to a privately owned island in Hawaii where she would remain while her search ensued. For those who think that is a bizarre idea, consider that Amelia had dinner with the owners, the Robinson’s, the night before leaving on the historic flight. The U.S. military could then search for a world-famous lady pilot in the areas where the Japanese were suspected of fortifying.  How could the Japanese say no when Earhart was even admired in Japan?

It should be mentioned that the military search for a “civilian” flyer was extensive involving both ships and planes and never was there any trace of an oil slick found anywhere. It is unlikely that the plane went down in the water for this simple fact alone. Oil and water do not mix and there would have been oil floating on the water days or even weeks after the accident.

A crucial part of this plan was for Amelia and Fred to maintain radio silence and they did not for which no explanation has been given. The Japanese would have been able to pick up on transmissions and know that the Americans were dangerously close to the Marshall Islands.  Whether she was shot down or crashed for some unknown cause researchers cannot agree.  The people of the Marshall Islands have no doubts about the incident and issued postage stamps detailing the rescue of Earhart and Noonan by a fishing boat.  The plane was hoisted aboard by a crane also depicted on a stamp. A letter addressed to Earhart was later found at the Marshall Island post office unopened. Who could have known to write to her there? Predictably, the current whereabouts of the letter are now unknown.

Prior to rescue by the fishing crew, Amelia had broadcast for hours trying to reach someone in the U.S. and there is considerable controversy about who did hear her. The U.S. Navy did not, but two teenagers in Florida and Idaho did.  Radio experts say that it was impossible for radio waves to have traveled such a long distance, however, the two teens tell similar stories. Betty Klenck Brown of St. Petersburg, Florida wrote down the dialogue she heard from a voice she recognized as Earhart. Betty heard the woman tell of a plane half in the water on a reef and a man with a head wound who was panicking and trying to climb over her head to get to the escape hatch over the pilot’s seat. The Marshall Island postal stamps portray a tall woman and a man with a bandaged head. A local medic also stated that he treated a woman named Amelia for an injured knee and a man with a head wound on a ship.

Betty heard something much more interesting though, which lends credibility to who she heard that night.  The woman broadcast that she hoped they could hear her in New York (her home) and that if they could, to tell George to destroy the suitcase.  As it happened, Earhart had a suitcase full of unknown items that she wanted no one to see. She had informed her husband, George P. Putnam, before leaving that if anything happened to her he was to get rid of it.  How could a young girl playing with a ham radio know that? How could she even make it up?

A young sixteen year old black boy, whose father had installed an extended antenna like Betty’s father had also done, heard Amelia say they were stuck on a reef south of the equator. He ran to get his father who recognized the voice and the two of them went to the sheriff.  I mention his race here because it backs up the story. In 1937 two black men in Idaho telling tales about a famous white woman could have been disastrous if taken for hoax. Fortunately, the sheriff believed them and notified authorities.  I have no doubt that Dana Randolph and his father heard the desperate pleas of Amelia Earhart who was not only stranded, but dealing with a delirious injured navigator.

From the Marshall Islands the two downed flyers were taken to Saipan, also controlled by the Japanese where various stories abound regarding their fates.  Some theories have them held at the prison in deplorable conditions and then beheaded. This could be entirely possible for Fred since he was a drunk and could be belligerent. It is doubtful that the Japanese would have executed a famous woman flyer wearing men’s clothes as Japanese men were fascinated by her. Women did not act that way in Japan. Another version has Amelia dying of dysentery at a hotel on Saipan. There was at that time a young, tall Japanese American woman who could have been the woman seen instead of Amelia, one called Tokyo Rosa years before the notorious “Tokyo Rose”.

When I worked in nursing I met several older gentlemen who told me that they saw Amelia’s plane in a hangar on Saipan after the war. Rather than pay to ship equipment back to the States, the army was destroying it or sinking it in the ocean.  The plane in the hanger was completely burnt. It’s interesting to note that later the CIA built a secret training facility at one end of the island.

I tend to believe the theory about Amelia being transported to China where the Japanese had several POW camps. Several facts persuade me this is the correct version. The Japanese liked to have English-speaking women broadcast as “Tokyo Rose” the radio personality designed to weaken the morale of U.S. fighting men in the southwest pacific.  Two American soldiers stated they heard Amelia Earhart over the airwaves talking as Tokyo Rose.  The government took it seriously enough to do something odd. George Putnam, who had no military training was commissioned as a Major in Army Intelligence and sent to the pacific area to listen to the woman who was allegedly Amelia. He stated that the woman had certainly done her homework, but she couldn’t be Amelia. One year after his wife’s disappearance Putnam had her declared legally dead when the usual time period is seven years.

Another thing the Japanese liked to do with American POWs was to make them nationalized Japanese citizens after being held captive for years for further humiliation.  In 1946 an Irene Craigmile, AKA, Mrs. G.P. Putnam, a Japanese citizen applied to immigrate to the United States.  This will be addressed again a bit later.

Further evidence that Amelia was in China with the Japanese military can be found in a photograph of Amelia standing next to a Japanese plane that was experimental at the time and not being used during the war. It would not be so unusual for the flyer to feel at home among the Japanese as she spoke fluent Japanese, learning it from a housekeeper her parents employed when she was a child.

Now enters Irene Craigmile Bolam, wife of a retired MI5 agent named Guy Bolam, and a writer/pilot named Joe Gervais. He met her at a meeting of a women’s pilot group named the “Ninety Nine’s” started in 1929. Gervais’ research is chronicled in a book by Joe Klaas, Amelia Earhart Lives, and is well worth reading as Mr. Gervais also describes four planes and not just one made for the around the world flight. The plane Amelia supposedly flew he found crashed on a mountain side in California.

Upon meeting Irene Gervais was struck hard by the realization that the woman was Amelia Earhart and indeed had the very same medals and awards as Amelia.  He wrote a book asserting that theory and Irene sued him and his publisher, MacGraw Hill. The book was withdrawn.  Gervais was surprised at the hostility and asked her why it would be such an insult to be called Amelia Earhart, a well-known and loved American heroine. Her response revealed much more than she realized.

Irene retorted, “Well then, that would make me a traitor and a bigamist wouldn’t it?”  A bigamist yes, but how could she have known that Amelia could be judged a traitor?  Joe asked Irene to be fingerprinted and put to rest the allegation and she refused. Mrs. Bolam went steps further by donating her body to a medical school and left instructions for no prints to be taken or any samples to be kept. The body was cremated forever leaving the question open. Even her best friend, also a pilot, thought Irene was Amelia Earhart but never brought up the subject for fear it would ruin the friendship.

What stories of such persons as Earhart present to us is that nothing may be as it seems and the versions printed in textbooks are meant to make us accept a certain template. Recent movies about Amelia fall short when they try to convince us that Amelia had a hot romance with G.P. Putnam. Difficult to buy when Putnam badgered her regarding marriage and she only relented after the sixth proposal when she no longer had the funds to keep flying. Right before the wedding Amelia had Putnam sign an agreement stating that she had reservations about the marriage and if she was still not happy in a year they would divorce- true love all right.

Whatever the truth about Amelia Earhart’s disappearance, she did not just crash in the ocean and vanish from history. I would recommend that anyone interested in the Earhart story read the following books, as well as others, to ask questions and form their own opinions.

  • Joe Klaas, Amelia Earhart Lives
  • Ric Gillespie, Finding Amelia: The True Story of the Earhart Disappearance.
  • Eyewitness: The Amelia Earhart Incident
  • J.A. Donahue, The Earhart Disappearance: The British Connection
  • Amelia Earhart, Last Flight
  • Muriel Earhart Morrissey, Amelia, My Courageous Sister
  • Joe Davidson, Amelia Earhart Returns from Saipan
  • T.C. Buddy Brennan, Witness to the Execution
  • Col. Rollin Reineck, Amelia Earhart Survived.
  1. papabearnelson says:

    Amelia Earhart was sucked into an extraterrestrial worm hole that spontaneously formed in the midst of her flight path! through space and time she traveled to an unknown destination, presumably at a different point in history or even the universe. It is speculative at best to say where she ended up.
    In all seriousness, awesomely written and very interesting haha, I was kidding about extraterrestrial contact (maybe…). certainly the most in-depth look I have ever seen into her disappearance!

    • dachadwick says:

      Not bad! You might consider writing fiction or even nonfiction. I’ve seen more outrageous ideas sold as fact. Thanks for checking out my blog.

  2. Joan Iverson says:

    Amelia Earhart is my heroine. There is no doubt that she landed on or near the Marshall Islands. The postage stamp commemorating her arrival there is proof positive. There is no doubt in my mind that she returned to the United States after the war and took the identity of Irene Bolam. I am so glad that she was able to live the star-studded life that she did as Irene Bolam. George Putnam was admirable. I am sure that he knew what had transpired but he allowed her to live incognito. She is my heroine because she was so courageous, so brave, so independent, so creative, and such a survivor. She made it through so many difficult trials and tribulations. And at a time when women simply did not engage in such amazing feats. Most women simply lived under the protection of their husbands, never doing anything outside the home. Amelia Earhart was years ahead of her time. She was an extraordinary person.

  3. I’m not saying this theory is wrong, but have you examined the TIGHAR evidence on their website? There was a skeleton found shortly after the British settled native Islanders on Nikumororo/Gardener, also a woman’s shoe, man’s shoe, a makeup compact & anti-freckle cream (which she was known to carry). Also, the Islanders on Gardner were using a large cable for fishing, which some claim was part of the plane, and sheets of metal. I’d like to believe the Irene Bolam story, because it would mean she survived. I find it suspicious that she wouldn’t allow fingerprints to be taken. And it’s also odd that an Irene Craigmile applied for US citizenship as a resident of Japan. It’s also strange that AE said she was 281 miles N of Howland when she was really SE of it. Anyway, thank you for writing this.

    • dachadwick says:

      I am familiar with the Gardener Island theory and am not convinced of it. The shoe was too small to have been Amelia’s and there were many rich people who had camped out on the island prior to that date to get away from the world, so the items could have been anyone’s. The bones they found turned out to be an Asian male. The search teams also flew over the island several times and found no wreckage or oil slicks and ships passed close enough to have seen anyone on the island. At first I didn’t believe the Irene Bolam theory, but the more checking into the story I did the less I could dismiss it. It would be nice if one day we could know the truth about what happened and I believe the US government does know.

  4. Duane Hamblin says:

    I became very interested in the Earhart- Nonnan Mystery when I saw programs about the 75th year since it happened. After studying both the Nikuaroro and Saipan accounts I thought it sounded like 2 parts of the same story. Having made my living in the 2-way radio field and holding a Ham license It seemed that some Japanese may have heard Amelia’s transmissins, got a fix on her location and retrieved them and the plane. I have since found strong enough evidense that I am writing a small e-book to put on Kindle, to becalled “The Missing Link”.
    They then found themselves in a ‘Catch 22’ since the Japanese had just refused to let U. S. search in their teritories. To cover their tracks they took, an “oath of silence,” then took Amelia and Fred to the Garapan jail in Saipan as spys and locked the Electra in an old hanger with many strange padlocks on the doors. and went to Japan. It sounds like fiction but it happened. The Japanese Government knew nothing about it.

  5. FrankAndrew says:

    AS a pilot who has flown a bit over oceans in small general aviation aircraft, i can tell you that we always have a plan “B”, if we cant find our destination. Its difficult to get lost in this GPS world, but a pilot is always ready to turn back towards land, not just fly around in circles and run out of gas. AE had no intention of landing at Howland, it was a distraction. She flew NW and landed in the Marshalls, and yes spent the war in Japan & China. I believe she came back to the US, under the agreement that she be left alone and with a new identity. Its wild but very possible what happened.
    She was only a star for about 10 yrs, and wanted out of the public life. The files on her at the DOD are part of the trail. The Japanese also have files, but those may be impossible to pull, unless you are very “connected” over there. The real story is bound to wild, and would rival any 007 movie script.

    • dachadwick says:

      Thanks much for a pilot’s point of view. I agree with you that she returned to the US under a new identity. Amelia loved to fly, but did not like the constant publicity and demands on her time. Enough time has passed that the world should know her real fate.

  6. M.M. says:

    “…During the meeting with the officers, Amelia’s husband and Noonan were asked to leave the room…”

    Very interesting. Who passed this intriguing story along? Putnam, Noonan, or someone else??? I’ve never heard it before and would like to know more.

    • dachadwick says:

      There are a great many things regarding Amelia Earhart that were either ignored or covered up by authorities. I believe it was both Noonan and Putnam that stated they were asked to leave the room.

      • M.M. says:

        Is there any surviving written statement made by GP or FN concerning this? Could it be just a interesting rumor? I’d like to look into this story further.

      • dachadwick says:

        I’m not sure where those documents are now. The owners are deceased and so are many of the writers who did the investigations. Any further research will have to involve the cooperation of surviving family members.

  7. Hi. I am Tod Swindell and I noticed your blog. My WWII Veteran friends, Joe Gervais and Rollin Reineck were my investigative research partners from 1996 to 2007. I began returning the Irene-Amelia story to prominence back in 1996 after I met Joe Gervais. We remained close friends after that until he died in 2005. Rollin Reineck, who I met later that year, was my weekly chat companion ever since, and one of my biggest supporters. He was so inspired by the forensic comparison analysis I sponsored and co-conducted from 1997-2006, he was able to complete his book a few years before he died in 2007. My website that I launched in 2007 is I greatly angered Amelia Earhart Society President, Bill Prymak for exposing a reality that was supposed to remain hidden. Bill, who was once kind to me, turned on me for avowing the truth as I did, and has dissed me ever since. There is a page link about my 20+ years of investigative research adventure on You can e-mail me on that site if you like. The reborn premise I used, was to treat the Earhart disappearance case like a missing person case. To solve it, one must find the person, or find the body of the person. The Gervais-Irene, who died in 1982 and was one of three women who used the same Irene identity, (my own forensic discovery) definitely did represent the found body evidence of Amelia Earhart, however different her person had grown to become by the 1960s and 70s. I have met the son of the original Irene twice. He is still living and we’re still in touch. He identified an entirely different person as his mother than the Irene who Gervais met and photographed in 1965. It is all but certain as well, the younger ‘Irene’ who appeared on the cover of Irene Bolam’s memorial dinner program, was the 1924 out of wedlock born daughter of Amelia and Lloyd Royer, a family secret never told. The real story of Amelia is more profound and far reaching than people realize. George Putnam, who had remarried before he died in 1950, knew Amelia survived overseas but was led to believe she died in a plane crash during her post VJ Day liberation process. He never knew the crash story wasn’t true, and he remained unaware the rest of his life that Amelia had actually returned to the U.S. sporting a new identity.

    • dachadwick says:

      Hi Tod,
      I read the books by Gervais and Reineck and was fascinated by their research. I have visited your web site as well and admire your courage to speak the truth even when it is unpopular. The evidence that Amelia survived is overwhelming and yet so many refuse to listen. Thanks for reading my blog and providing additional information. I will check out your web page again. I would love to have the truth finally revealed and accepted.

      • Deb, thanks for your reply. My book, Protecting Earhart: The Beautiful Alter Ego and Silent Legacy of History’s Most Famous Famous Flying Heroine is due out early next year, and will be accompanied by the documentary I shot featuring interviews with Gervais, Reineck, Klaas and others, as well as a more comprehensive rendition of the overall forensic analysis. Randall Brink is a good friend of mine as well, his 1994 W.W. Norton book, Lost Star is an essential read. In 2006 Nat Geo asked me to be part of their special so they could reveal the plural Irene’s discovery the analysis revealed. They filmed it and a lot of the study, interviewed me for three hours on film, verified I had met with the original Irene’s son and he identified a different woman as his mother than the woman Gervais met… except they edited it all out for the final version, and I’m barfely seen at all. Btw, all the images featured in Reineck’s book that show the different Irenes & handwriting sample, they came from my study. The only one that did not was the artists progression. Rollin acknowledged my work in the text of his book but credit due was missing in the photo sections. I was not given an opportunity to preview the book before it was released by Paragon.

  8. dachadwick says:

    I will be sure to get a copy of your book when it comes out. I have read all the authors you mention, including Lost Star. I would like to seen the Nat Geo special, don’t know how I missed it. I know how hard it can be trying to put the truth out there as I did with the biography of Jeannine Deckers (The Singing Nun). The public has a preconceived notion of how things happened and often do not want that image changed. I’ve had portions of my interviews cut too or not aired at all because I would not tell the expected story. I find the truth so much more interesting than the lies. Your observations are very convincing and that is probably what upsets those who want the truth buried.

  9. Duane Edwin Hamblin says:

    Howdy, In looking through the comments I found one that I had submitted on Jan. 18, 2013 in which I mentioned I was planning to publish my findings about what really happened. I published my E-book on July 2,2015. “Earhart and Noonan the missing Link”. In the mean time I found a lot of evidence to support my earlier findings.
    On Mike Campbell’s they mentioned Fred Hooven’s contributions. They said TIGHAR used his calculations for the Nikumaroro theory. I wrote a brief note explain what happened an how. I will copy it here if it will let me.
    Earhart discussion on OUTLOOK 23FEB16

    I am retired and for about the last four years I have been studying the Amelia Earhart
    disappearance. It appears to me that what is holding things up is the animosity between
    the various groups trying to protect their own theories. They don’t want to hear any
    thing, old or new which might question what they have already decided.

    I have read Fred Hooven’s paper, albeit about year ago. His disillusion was that, though
    he was certain that Amelia had landed on an Island and was able to transmit, and that
    they were found by a Japanese ship and he could not understand why it was not broadcast
    to the world! That would have brought fame and glory to the crew that found them, but
    that is the very reason they did not proclaim it. Since the 1920s the Japanese had
    declared they would execute spies, and when the agreement was signed that Japan would
    help find Amelia, it also forbade either side from searching islands controlled by the
    other! The ship that found her apparently did not have that information.

    That ship was the Koshu and was actually a small freighter and it had equipment on
    board to attach the Electra to the stern. It left Gardner Island with Amelia, Fred and the
    plane before the search planes from the ship Colorado got there. Possibly by mere hours.
    Consequently no plane to find there!!! At some time after departing the, crew learned
    that they had violated the treaty putting, not only themselves, but JAPAN in Jeopardy!

    The crew members swore an oath to not tell anyone where they had been or what they
    had done. They concocted a story about rescuing the fliers who had crashed near Mili
    Atoll and brought them and the plane to Jaluit navy base. We only know about it
    because one of the crew members, when asked by a friend, where they had gone, said “ I
    can’t tell you. We can’t tell anyone about the trip.” The Koshu pulled into Jaluit harbor
    July 13. The sheet of aluminum found on Nikumaroro Island (Gardner) was proved to a
    unique part of Earhart’s Electra. The Koshu then took Amelia, Fred and the Electra to

    It is pretty simple really. Why did it take over 70 years? The details and references are in
    my E-book “Earhart and Noonan the missing link” Duane Hamblin.

    • dachadwick says:

      It amazes me how so many people can just accept the “crashed in the ocean with no trace theory” and dismiss other explanations. I plan to read your book soon.

      • Duane Edwin Hamblin says:

        Thank you. I sent the same thing to Mike Campbell’s Blog and it resulted in some very lively and sometime uncouth exchanges You may want to read them. Duane

  10. dachadwick says:

    People do get uptight with different opinions don’t they? I hope one day we know the truth.

    • While researching for my book I wrote an essay about Amelia and her plane. It is included with the book pub not part of the text. Here is a copy of it.

      “I’d like to find the tree on which new airplanes grow. I’d certainly shake myself
      down a good one”. Amelia’s “Red Barron red “ Lockheed Vega had served her
      very well, helping her set new records for long distance flights but it’s 500
      horsepower engine just couldn’t compete with the new higher powered planes
      which were winning the recent air races.

      Her husband and promoter, George Putnam, had heard her comment, and with her
      birthday coming up got together with President Elliot, of Purdue University where
      she was now on the faculty. They started shaking on the Lockheed tree and down
      came her dream plane. A shinny new metal skin, twin tail Lockheed Electra 10 E
      with two 550 horse power Wasp engines, pressurized cabin, 55ft wingspan and
      room for 12 people in it’s 39 foot length. It had a 4000 mile range and could fly at
      19,000 ft. What a plane! Was she excited? I struggled to find a suitable simile to
      express it. She was as excited as,— well as excited as, Amelia Earhart would be
      with her new dream plane! She told some mechanics, after her first long flight “I
      could write poetry about this ship.” All kind of possibilities opened up. More
      than just competing in the air races, the idea that had been crowding into her
      thoughts, of a “round the world” trip was becoming a real possibility.

      The shaking down of the Electra by George and President Elliot, by her birthday
      was hitting a few snags. With the Depression still dragging on The National
      Recovery Act was limiting workers to a 40- hour work week. Lockheed was so
      happy to have Amelia owning an Electra that they found ways around the
      restrictions. Getting the tires was looking doubtful. John Diehl, a tire design
      engineer, for BF Goodrich, was told not to spend any more time working on
      experiential tires at night, then late one afternoon his boss called and said “We
      make rules and now they must be broken. Would you please come in tonight and
      build three tires for Amelia Earhart?” By eight the next morning his crew had
      finished them! She received her Electra on July 24, 1936, her 39th birthday,
      becoming one of only 2 individuals to own one. The other was Howard Hughes.

      The main design engineer at Lockheed, Clarence L. “Kelly” Johnson, who would
      go on to design some of the top planes used in WWII as well as the U-2 “spy”
      plane which was shot down over Russia with Garry Powers at the controls, took
      special care in training Amelia to fly the big new plane. He said she “….was
      sensible, very studios and paid attention to what she was told.”
      EXTRA—-Electra part 2 the BENDIX

      The first long flight was from Burbank to Kansas City which is about 50 miles from
      her home town of Atchison. She was on her way to New York to enter the 1936
      Bendix race. This was one of the few years that it would be run from East to West,
      and there were only 7 planes entered. Three of them were piloted by women. The
      Race was from ‘Floyd Bennett’ Field to ‘Mines’ Field near Los Angeles on
      September 4th and the starting time, was, when ever the pilot was ready to leave.
      The first to start were William Gulick and Buster Warner at 1:37 A.M. in a 750-
      horsepower Vultee. Amelia had ask a good friend Helen Richey to be her co-pilot,
      and they were the third plane to start, leaving at 2:47. Two other friends, Louise
      Thaden and Blanche Noyes wanted to experience the race so they borrowed a Beach
      C17R Stagger-wing, 450 horsepower demonstrator from Olive and Walter Beach.
      They departed right behind Joe Jacobson who left at 3:12. The last to leave, in her
      shiny new black Lockheed Orion, which could travel at over 300 miles per hour,
      was Laura Ingalls.

      The organizers and sponsors of the race, Vincent Bendix and Cliff Henderson, in
      order to make the race more fair for the ‘weaker sex’ had added a $2500
      ‘consolation’ prize for the first woman to complete the race. The main prize was

      When Amelia and Helen took off they didn’t realize they had a ‘stow-away’ on board,
      probably because he was invisible but he didn’t take long to make his presence
      known, the dreaded “Murphy” started applying his law with a loud whop! as a swirl
      of wind whipped and whistled through the cabin! He had caused the bolt that secures
      the cover on the large overhead hatch to come loose. The auto-pilot had not yet
      engaged so Amelia could not let go of the controls to help poor Helen as she
      struggled to get it closed. After Amelia was able to help, it almost sucked both of
      them out of plane! Too bad it didn’t suck Murphy out! He kept trying to get the
      cover open again for almost two hours before they got it somewhat secured. When
      they stopped at Kansas City they were able to find some wire (probably hay-wire. I
      was raised on a farm and know all about that!) and got it secured but had lost a lot of
      time. They still had not got rid of Murphy, and his infamous law “If anything can go
      wrong, it will!” Very well known and understood in industry as well as in life. Next
      he caused a cabin door to come loose with more loss of time.

      Still, they faired better that some other pilots. Benny Howard, who had won the
      Bendix in 1935, was flying in New Mexico, with his wife, when his propeller “ just let
      go.” and they had to make a crash landing, and Joe Jackson was flying over Stafford
      Kansas when his plane exploded! Fortunately he was able to parachute to safety.
      Several others had less harrowing delays. Laura Ingalls had to make an unscheduled
      fuel stop and was delayed a considerable length of time.

      Now, what could Louise and Blanch be up to? They were having their share of
      problems also. Their directional gyro was acting up and their Radio died about half
      way across the country. At least, before it gave up the ghost they learned that one of
      the two possible refueling stations was fogged in but the other one, at Wichita, was
      clear, then they ran into thunderstorms and had to dodge their way around them
      causing more delay. Louise said it looked like, with the delays and having the
      smallest engine they we’re “the cow’s tail”. They decided that since the radio was out
      they should complete the course anyway to show that they were alright. Just as they
      were getting out of the plane they saw Mr. Bendix and Mr. Henderson approaching
      with rather dower expressions on their faces. Cliff said to Blanch “I’m afraid you
      won the Bendix race. I wish you hadn’t but if it had to be a woman, Im’ glad it was

      This put a stop to the idea that women were not big enough and tough enough to
      endure the rigors of the long race, Blanch who had been an actress and the star of
      “White Cargo”, tipped the scale at only 85 pounds! Vincent and Cliff were hardly
      over the shock when the second plane landed – Laura Ingalls! Amelia and Helen
      became “the cow’s tail” in 5th place since two planes did not finish. Amelia was so
      happy to see her friends come in first and second she didn’t seem to mind her loss.
      She was very pleased to see Louise and Blanch win the $7,000 for winning both the
      main prize and also what was now called the “special award.” The wining time was
      14 hours and 35 minutes, setting a new record for the east to west run that lasted two

      Based on “EAST to the DAWN” by Susan Butler Duane Hamblin

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